Performed live on Youtube on the 25th of November 2020 Produced by Goldsmiths Drama Society
'Locked In: A Monologue Play' was created when I and my fellow co-president of the Goldsmiths Drama Society realised that the plays we had planned to debut would have to be pushed back into the new year due to the UK's second lockdown of 2020.
I decided we could create a Zoom to Youtube performance with monologues that were written and submitted by Drama Society members. We called-out for writers, directors and performers and received some brilliant monologues under the theme of the title 'Locked In'.
We realised that the second lockdown had adversely affected students so we hoped this event would boost morale within the drama society member's and engender a sense of accomplishment.
I was responsible for directing and co-producing the whole event as well as, writing a monologue called ‘£10.53’ and directing a piece called ‘Aldi’ by Molly Tompsett.
Although this event took three weeks to arrange from idea to live performance, it offered a useful grounding in performing theatre using technology. It was my first experience of organising an online production which was performed live on Zoom. Additionally, the audience were able to feedback live on the YouTube link as the plays were being performed. It was comparatively unfamiliar territory to me as I am far more accustomed to working with actors and an audience who are physically present.